Saturday, June 27, 2009

On real-life Global ERP projects...

On real-life Global ERP projects...

ERP packages have altered the way Companies go about overall I.T. processes and procedures. For us global conglomerates, instead of using standalone tactics, we are slowly but surely moving into internationally-sourced packages that reflect best practices at a worldwide level. The encapsulation epoch is over. Because of the new (and rich) choices, we are able (or at least try to) tailor packages and modules in ways we never did before. Here is the catch: the mammoth growth rate in global ERP adoption has slowed down considerably. It looks clear to me that some of us I.T. leaders are not fully conscious about the benefits/results equation. We need new perspectives, new collaborations, new alliances that will bring us to the next level. In my humble experience, a fresh pair of eyes is the key to success in these kind of macro-projects. I’ve decided to share an excellent white-paper that my good friend from Cyprus, John McGrann just published. I am pretty impressed. I believe King Cinyras and Pygmalion would be very proud of him!.

As always, I appreciate all input.


How to drive ERP systems to success


  1. That was a great paper
    Thanks for sharing Adrian

  2. Interesting view on ERP
